Excavation started but Rocky

We hit rock on the excavation of the Concrete home in Clifton. That line sounds a bit ironic, but dealing with rock & clay adds a lot of time, schedule slip, money and effort. The pictures from the Work Zone Cam shows Bartley’s progress on five (5) different work days. The excavation began in the far side of the site and is working toward the camera’s position.

2013-05-20 2013-05-23 2013-05-24 2013-05-28 2013-05-29

Shots from the ground level provide a different perspective on the volume of excavation that has already taken place . In the first picture (below), look for the pink circle to see the location of the Work Zone Cam, the source of the time elapsed pictures. Much of the excavated material has been spread out along the entryway where the blue Bartley truck is parked. There is at least another day or two of rock excavation needed before our footing crew can come in a prep the concrete footings.

2013-05-29 Other Side w Camera Circled

2013-05-29 Dirt lane 2013-05-29 Rock

Work Zone Cam

To take time elapsed pictures of the Clifton Concrete Home construction process, we installed a Work Zone Camera on Thursday May 9th. Every 30 minutes we get a nice 6 megapixel overhead shot of the job site. Not many people are familiar with building concrete homes so the time lapsed pictures will provide a visual timeline. Here we show the overhead shot it will take (with myself pictured for a size reference). We also started laying out the cut points for our excavation crews. More to come soon!!



2013-05-16 Excavation Cut Layout